Friday, October 19, 2018

Star Wars Spinoffs

"Solo" has come and gone. "Kenobi" and "Boba Fett" are likely, "Lando" is possible, and there's still hope for "Jabba the Hutt." The "Star Wars" spinoff films are currently on hold, but the speculation isn't. Below, are a few suggestions for other corners of the "Star Wars" universe that I'd like to see onscreen.

Young Leia - Leia is now officially a Disney Princess, and deserves her own movie. Remember that she was a resistance fighter who was handy with a blaster, and had to take charge of her own rescue in the original "Star Wars." That clearly points to a childhood that was more exciting than just being a posh royal. Alderaan seemed like a pretty peaceful place, but there's always room for some court intrigue. Also, Leia's early days would be a good chance to take a peek into the inception of the Rebellion, and maybe provide origin stories for other characters like Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, and General Dodonna.

Young Mace Windu - There wasn't much that I liked about the prequels, but I was always curious about the history of Mace Windu. I like the idea of him or Qui-Gon Jinn in their early days having samurai-esque adventures way out in some less civilized star system. "Star Wars" was heavily influenced by Kurosawa's jidaigeki films, especially "Hidden Fortress," and I've always wanted to see the series embrace these roots a little more. A "Star Wars" version of "Seven Samurai" or "Yojimbo" feels like it would be appropriate. Then again, it's already heavily rumored that this might be direction that DIsney is going with the Obi-Wan Kenobi movie.

The Droids - So, I know there was already a "Star Wars" project that centered around the droid characters back in the 1980s, the obscure Saturday morning cartoon "Droids." Frankly, I think the idea still has some possibilities and that Disney could do much better. Let's use BB-8 as the main character this time, and give him (her? It?) their own adventure. It could be a prequel, detailing how it met Poe Dameron, or a tangential adventure taking place after "The Last Jedi." I also like the idea of a new "Droid" feature being done in CGI animation, in the vein of "WALL-E." We could also use more "Star Wars" media aimed at the younger fans.

The Bothans - When "Rogue One" first came out, I know I wasn't the only one who wondered where the Bothans were, many of whom famously died in order to bring the plans for the Death Star to the Rebels. Of course, I was misremembering, and those were plans for the second Death Star from "Return of the Jedi," not the first. I still want to know about those Bothans, especially since it's been revealed that they're these big, werewolf-like critters, they're spies, and they just sound badass all around. There's the danger of this story being a retread of "Rogue One," but surely there's room in the "Star Wars" universe for more than one heist picture.

Mara Jade - Some of the best imagery from the "Star Wars" franchise comes from the Empire, and I'd love to see a movie fully set in that world. However, the character I think it would be best to explore that through is the one member of the "Star Wars" Extended Universe I'd like to see brought back - Mara Jade, the Emperor's special agent. She's one of the most interesting female characters who ever appeared in anything related to "Star Wars," and frankly the new films could use more like her. The way the movies have played out make it unlikely to keep her original backstory intact, but with a little adjusting, she'd be a great antihero.

Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes - Finally, if Disney wants to go lighter and funnier, why not get the band back together? Specifically, the Cantina Band, made up of seven Bith from the planet Clak'dor VII. The aliens of the "Star Wars" universe haven't been used much in the new movies, but they're a major element that distinguishes the franchise from all the others competing for our attention. So get those musicians an unscrupulous manager, some groupies, and run-ins with shady characters on their road to fame and fortune. Let them get mixed up in bad business trying to raise the money to get their instruments out of hock. Or have 'em play Jabba's wedding.

The possibilities are endless.

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